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Advertising / Lettered

Arthur F. Odell Quincy Jewler

Ballard Merced, Cal., ruffled bowl, amethyst

Bernheimer Brothers on Millersburg Many Stars, ruffled bowl, blue

Brooklyn Bridge, 6 ruffled bowl, marigold

Dreibus Parfait Sweets advertising handgrip plate, purp

Dugan Fishermans mug with base enameled Compliments of a Harrisburg PA Store, purple

E. A. Hudson Furniture plate, amethyst

Eat Paradise Sodas 6" advertising plate - amethyst

Estate breakfast set, Westmoreland

FENTON 1911 Atlantic City Elks 7" plate - blue

FENTON 1911 Atlantic City Elks bell, blue

FENTON 1911 Atlantic City Elks, ice cream shaped 7" bowl, blue

FENTON 1914 Parkersburg Elks, 7" plate, blue

FENTON, 1910 Detroit BPOE Elks ruffled bowl - amethyst

FENTON, 1910 Detroit BPOE Elks ruffled bowl - blue

FENTON, 1910 Detroit BPOE Elks ruffled bowl - green

FENTON, 1910 Detroit BPOE Elks, Ice cream shaped bowl -amethyst

FENTON, 1910 Detroit BPOE Elks, Ice cream shaped bowl -green

FENTON, Birmingham Age Herald 1911 I/C shape bowl - amethyst

FENTON, Birmingham Age Herald 1911 ruffled bowl - amethyst

FENTON, Birmingham Age Herald 1911, 9" plate - amethyst

FENTON, Brazier's Candies handgrip plate - amethyst

FENTON, Exchange Bank Glendive Mont. 6" plate - amethyst

FENTON, Feldman Bros Furniture Salisbury, open edge basket, marigold,

FENTON, Geo. W. Getts Pianos 6" plate - amethyst
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