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Newsletter 161

About the newsletter

Carnival Glass Society Newsletter 161, the first issue of our 36th CGS year, has 40 pages of news, photographs, articles, fun and information on carnival glass exclusive to CGS members:

  • What do the carnival glass patterns Snowstorm, Snow Fancy and Snowflake all have in common? New research shows they all have one intriguing characteristic. Learn things about Carnival Glass ‘Snow’ that might surprise you.

  • Discover the optimum way to ship carnival glass from the USA to the UK so you do not accidentally incur unnecessary costs; comprehensive advice that is invaluable to those already buying carnival glass from overseas auctions or on-line and for those who would like to try.

  • Read tales of carnival glass finds and journeys, new research on pattern names, Q&A on Carnival Glass Swung vases, mystery pieces and thought provoking questions.

  • Find out about the six connections between carnival glass, the CGS and a very important event in UK history.

  • Take the ‘Amore e Trippa’ challenge – you will just have to read the newsletter to find out what that is!!

  • Learn about forthcoming events that are exclusive to CGS members including get togethers to see carnival glass, an exciting glass trip and our social weekend in Market Harborough which includes a reception at 78 Derngate in Northampton (the famous house decorated by Charles Rennie Mackintosh), glass sales, informative presentations and much more.

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Join us any time before 5 November 2023 and we shall extend your membership through to 31 October 2024 so that you receive all Newsletters for this year and next - that's 320 pages of fascinating carnival glass research, articles, photographs and member's stories. 


   Why not  Join the CGS now and we shall send you 

NL180, NL181 and our Sampler Newsletter right away

 with six more issues to follow before 31 Oct 2024

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